Private School vs. Public School, Greensboro, NC

HomePrivate School vs. Public School, Greensboro, NC

When it comes to private school vs. public school, we are different on purpose.

At Shining Light Academy in Greensboro, North Carolina, we are a private, Christ-centered school offering exceptional educational opportunities to students from preschool to high school and everything in between. We believe that a Christian education helps prepare student for the rest of their lives, and when it comes to private school vs. public school, we are different on purpose.

Private School vs. Public School in Greensboro, North Carolina

Whether you already have children in school, you are considering where to send your very young children to school, or if you are just thinking about having children and what kind of education you want them to have, we encourage you to take a careful, long look at why we believe private school is the answer you need.

Here are some of the things to consider as you ponder private school vs. public school:

  • Christ-centered: We believe that the shaping of your child’s moral character is just as important as teaching them facts. Students participate in regular chapel services, where they can join faculty, staff, and other students participating in Christ-centered worship. Our Christian values inform all the subjects we teach, and we interweave Biblical wisdom into every educational experience.
  • Curriculum: We offer a high-quality Christian education at all levels. For our elementary students, we use the Abeka curriculum, interweaving Christian values into every subject. In middle and high school, we primarily use the Bob Jones Press curriculum, which encourages creativity and critical thinking. We believe these curriculums provide a solid foundation, and our students are college and career-ready when they leave us.
  • Community: Community begins with our teachers. They are in this profession because they feel it is their God-given calling. They are knowledgeable, experienced, and passionate about developing positive relationships with students that allow them to personalize instruction and nurture them, both academically and spiritually. Through developing rapport with teachers and seeing that sense of community modeled, our students begin to internalize its value. Chapel services, Christian mentorship programs, leadership opportunities, and group athletic and fine arts competition all contribute to fostering a sense of community amongst our student body.

We believe that the choice between private school vs. public school is clear. We offer the best of both worlds – a gospel-based path that is spiritually fulfilling and academically challenging. Call us now and schedule a campus tour, and we are sure you will agree.