Private Middle School, Greensboro, NC

HomePrivate School, Greensboro, NCPrivate Middle School, Greensboro, NC

Experience the private middle school difference during this pivotal time in your child’s growth and development.

Middle school is one of the most challenging times of a young person’s life. Part of this is the biological changes that occur as hormones change and growth spurts occur. Emotional turmoil is common, and an increased desire for freedom and an expansion of responsibility. No matter where you send your child to school during these precious years of change, it is likely to be hard at times, but if you want to experience the private middle school difference during this pivotal time in your child’s growth and development, consider Shining Light Academy in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Private Middle School in Greensboro, North Carolina

Why choose a private middle school with a Christian focus?

The nurturing setting that we can create with experience, committed teachers, and smaller class sizes provides your child with a safe place to feel their feelings and experience their changing body and mind. Our curriculum isn’t just about teaching students facts. We also want to help shape their character, ensuring that they are good at solving logical and ethical quandaries and that they have strong emotional resilience that can resist impulsiveness and reduce temptations.

What Makes Our Private School Different? [infographic]

We primarily use the Bob Jones Press curriculum, and our teachers personalize lessons for each student’s needs and interests. Our goal is to keep them focused on learning, as well as continuing to foster their love of learning about themselves, the world, and Christ and Christian values. The Bob Jones curriculum emphasizes both creativity and critical thinking through the lens of faith.

Shining Light Academy Come For a Tour

Reach out to book a tour of our private middle school campus today.